Frequently asked questions

Isn’t BIA perpetuating women’s unpaid work by adding more? 

We recognize that women do disproportionately more unpaid, unseen, and unappreciated work in a home, like preparing for holidays, writing grocery lists, and planning to-do lists (which is just as hard as DOING the list!) We are giving women the tools to make these tasks easier, but also the power to better distribute that load among her family and support network by assigning tasks and inviting family members to play an active part in their BIA profile.

There is absolutely work to be done breaking down gender norms and society’s expectations, but we will not let that keep us from helping ease the burden in the meantime.

Women’s unpaid labor is more than just the cognitive burden and to-do lists, so what are you doing about that?

Absolutely! The majority of women’s unpaid labor is caregiving and house work, which are physical jobs and unfortunately cannot be automated (unless you’re hiring a third party). We aren't here to get rid of those responsibilities, but we ARE here to help you manage them in the most efficient way by automating the planning associated with them and helping you distribute those tasks more effectively. Our goal is to help you conserve your cognitive energy so that you can be your best self and play whatever caretaking role is necessary in your life in a healthy and successful way. 

Is BIA only for women?

Absolutely not! BIA aims to improve everyone’s mental burden, but we are prioritizing women because they typically carry the largest of the burden, and their needs have often been overlooked in technology solutions.

how is BIA different than [any productivity app]?

BIA is different in 4 ways:

  1. We are built for women, by women – we obsessively put their needs first, in a world where tech companies have never done so before

  2. We are here to EASE your cognitive burden – using BIA will NEVER require complicated set-up, pop up ads, or unnecessary commentary; we are here to silence the chaos so that you can focus on what really matters

  3. We are a one stop shop – you don’t need multiple apps, websites, and planners to keep yourself organized, we bring it all to one, clean dashboard view of everything you need to organize your life

  4. Our end goal is automation wherever possible – we vow to continue chasing opportunities to save you time and energy wherever possible, by removing repetitive tasks, automating reminders, and bringing together the various “modules” of your life in new and innovative ways

What does BIA stand for?

BIA is the goddess of power and raw energy. Never heard of her? You might have heard of her sister, Nike. Bias was often described as the silent goddess, as she does not speak. However, her quiet power cannot be understated - Bia used her energy to help Zeus defeat Prometheus, something nobody else had the strength for.

Bia represents the quiet, unseen, essential work that women are doing behind the scenes every day.